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Poster- & Presentation Award Retreat 2022

For their excellent presentations during the 2022 retreat Bo Scherer (Project 3a, best poster presenatation) and Christian Kroll (Project 1b, best talk) have been distinguished with presentation awards. Congratulations and all the best for your projects!

Retreat 2022

After many online events, it was finally possible to hold the first retreat in presence on the 08th & 09th of November. Doctoral students and project partners met in Radevormwald. In addition to lectures and poster sessions, possible collaborations and project ideas were discussed. Of course, such a productive meeting should not be complete without an evening together at the bowling alley.

Presentation awards for three PhD students!

For their excellent presentations during the 2022 symposium Michelle Westerhoff (Project 5b), Seda Akgün (Project 1e) and Julia Mann (associated PhD student from the group of Prof. Fritz) have been distinguished with lecture awards. Congratulations and all the best for your projects!

Symposium 2022

The first RTG 2578 symposium took place on February 22nd and 23rd as an online event. The meeting was a combination of talks by invited guest speakers, presentation of the RTG research projects and 'Meet the Expert' sessions. Here, our guest speakers took the time to answer further questions of the students, project leaders and guests. The presentation of the PhD students' projects took place via talks as well as posters followed by poster discussions in breakout rooms. In addition to our presenting speakers, we had the pleasure of welcoming some of our past seminar speakers and would like to thank them for their time and input during the discussions.

Overall, there was a lot of scientific exchange during the symposium and we would like to thank our 4 speakers: Prof. Dr. Chichung Lie, Prof. Dr. Robert Passier, Prof. Dr. Jörg Fahrer & Prof. Dr. Patricia Boya!

Invited speaker Title of the talk

Prof. Dr. Chichung Lie

Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

‘Cell homeostatic mechanisms in the regulation of adult neurogenesis’

Prof. Dr. Robert Passier

Applied Stem Cell Technologies, Technical Medical Centre, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands


Prof. Dr. Jörg Fahrer

Division of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

‘Mechanisms of colorectal carcinogenesis induced by dietary factors and food contaminants’

Prof. Dr. Patricia Boya

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CSIC, Madrid, Spain

'Autophagy in neurons: from development to aging’

Responsible for the content: Koordination GRK2578 : Contact by e-mail